And Magic Brought him Back

Did it?

3 min readJun 29, 2021

Ammon hurried down the corridor at the Magic Healer’s.

This should work, he thought to himself as he passed by the hospital rooms. An old lady was being treated for her eye — swollen to the size of a small lemon — in one room. In the next room was a young boy whose face was covered with boils — a classic example of potion-making gone wrong. He read the boards as he turned the corner. Bes was in the ‘Natural Accidents’ ward beyond the ‘Magical Mishaps’ ward. He picked up his pace.

The Healer had said there was nothing he could do now that Bes was in a coma. He was hit by a bus the other day when he left from the Magic Healer’s hospital. Passers-by said Bes hit his head hard on the curb. There was not much physical damage, just a fractured leg, but the head injury was grave. The Healer had said either Bes would wake up or die while in coma.

Bes worked here — healing people with his music. He would tell Ammon stories of people he healed miraculously simply by playing a melody on his Enchanted Flute. That’s what he called it. Once, Bes had revived the memory of a magician — a Dementia patient — and there was this one other time when they all thought the patient was dead but Bes continued to play the Flute and the patient’s heart started beating again!

May be that is what will help, Ammon had thought and hurried back to their hut to get Bes’ Enchanted Flute. Ammon would insist that it was Bes, who was gifted with the ability to heal through music but Bes always said the ‘magic is in my Flute.’

Ammon believed Bes was being modest but now, when his friend, who was his family, was lying on the death bed, Ammon thought perhaps the Flute would save him.

The Flute was made of wood. It had an intricate design engraved all over and precious gems embedded — emeralds, topaz, rubies and sapphires. Although Ammon never thought it to be special, the flute definitely looked special now, placed in the velvet-lined wooden case. Ammon noticed a message engraved inside the case — “The Flute can heal. Play the tune right and it may revive.”

Let's hope it can do what it says it can, he thought.

Bes was lying on the hospital bed behind him, a bandage tied around his head, a plaster on his leg and tubes sticking out of everywhere. The cardiac monitor was beeping and his breathing seemed regular.

Ammon glanced at Bes once, hoping Bes would miraculously wake up sensing the presence of his Flute. But no, that did not happen. So Ammon pulled a chair to Bes’ bedside, drew a deep breath and began playing the Flute. After fumbling with it at first, Ammon got a hang of it and started playing a melodious tune. His fingers danced lightly as he played the notes one after the other. It was as if the Flute was guiding him. He closed his eyes, at first in prayer to the Master to heal his friend but soon, he was lost in the music. He was so immersed in the melody, he did not realise when Bes’ cardiac monitor stopped beeping.

Ammon felt a cold hand on his knee and he stopped playing the Flute. It was Bes. He was alive!

Ammon’s eyes filled with tears.

“I am so glad you are alive, buddy!” he whispered, “I thought I had lost you.”

Ammon held on to Bes’ hand tightly blinking back his tears and smiling as best he could with quivering lips.

“You know, you were right. Your Flute is magical.”

He gave Bes a long, gentle hug, “I think your Enchanted Flute saved you too!” Ammon whispered in a quavering voice.

Ammon was so glad to have his friend back, he did not notice that the cardiac monitor was not beeping and Bes’ eyes were devoid of any emotion.




A freelancer, a fiction writer and a poet. Instagram: @starsngravel